We directly and measurably increase park wildlife population viability, health, and security through partnerships.
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
An AZA Conservation Partner, WRF develops wildlife field conservation action plans for Zoo-Park Partnerships and Aquarium-Sanctuary Partnerships facilitated between leaders of individual AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums and National Parks, Forests, Wildlife Refuges and Marine Sanctuaries, as well as Tribes. WRF helps sustain these ZPPs and ASPs with resources, results tracking, report-outs, and resources. Aquarium-Sanctuary Partnerships (ASPs) have received grant support from the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
Custer Gallatin National Forest
WRF is working with the Gardiner and Hebgen Lake District Rangers to design and implement a replicable Gateway Community-Based Workshop Series: Collaborating for Recreation-Wildlife Coexistence on the Custer Gallatin National Forest engaging Yellowstone gateway businesses and residents in creating solutions to negative wildlife interactions with humans and wildlife displacement by fostering responsible recreation. The workshops explore changing recreation trends increasing pressure on wildlife that interrupts migrations and degrades habitat. The goal is to identify “signature” stewardship measures that the towns can undertake.
The Wilds
Helping to transform The Wilds’ production herd into a leading model for conserving wild bison traits, behaviors, and grasslands ecosystem benefits, WRF is assisting The Wilds with ideas for herd management, prairie restoration and partnerships, including with Tribal buffalo programs and National Parks. The Wilds’ prototype conservation herd will model the protection of an iconic native species, the U.S. National Mammal, while preserving North America’s cultural heritage.